Security is the separation of an asset from a threat. Security as practiced by the military generally means destroying the threat. A non functioning threat is no longer a threat. So to separate the threat from the asset, you have three options: • Physically remove or separate the asset from the threat. • Destroy the threat. • Move or destroy the asset As you know destroying assets is undesirable and destroying threats is not most of the time we separate the two from each other. Elements of Security Separation can be done by using following elements: 1:Visibility 2:Access 3:Trust Visibility can be an opportunity for an attacker.What an attacker see,learn or glean into help him in his attack.But think if attacker cant see, then he wont even think of attacking on that thing.Linux provide better ways to go invisible.In linux you can easily DROP ALL such request which can make you visible,like ping replies etc.Unfortunately, visibility is a necessary part of m...
Security Beyond Compare ..