We know Netcat is a swiss army knife i.e. capable of doing many thing at one time without any extra edition in it.It can read and write to and from raw tcp ports or udp ports.So there's alot you can do with netcat in your hand.But what if your victim dont allow netcat or dont have netcat there or have a strong ids which have netcat signature??
suppose you are a system administrator and want to administer remotely without netcat on client side??
If you cant run netcat on viticm(client) side then its not the end of world ,you can use trivial system calls and methods to create a temp connection very similar to the netcat .So in this post i want to enumerate some such trivial methods that can be used to produce raw tcp/ip connection from one side to other.
So in this scenario we are assuming that our attacker or system administrator have netcat in his disposal but some how he fail do implant it on victim side because of some ids or firewall but can run scripts on it or can execute legitimate commands available on victim's computer.
So lets have look at possible Cases:
Case 1:
Victim's Box(Or machine we want to remotely administer) |
Attackers Box(From where we want to administer) |
Case 2:
Using relay to administer or hack |
Attacker |
Case 3:
Pipe twice and get fancy terminal |
Run command in left terminal and get output in right terminal !! ;-) |
If you have any other cool idea of using netcat or its alternative please do share it in comment section.
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